73. Learning sheet (February 2025): Ruptura de tubulação de gás natural (by C2PSM Consultoria)
72. Learning sheet (December 2024): Colapso da Ponte Morandi (by C2PSM Consultoria)
71. Learning sheet (November 2024): Explosão de Bitterfeld (by C2PSM Consultoria)
70. Learning sheet (October 2024): Instalação de válvula de alívio de pressão de fole balanceado (by C2PSM Consultoria)
69. Learning sheet (September 2024): Explosão durante o teste hidrostático de um tanque (by C2PSM Consultoria)
68. Learning sheet (July 2024): BLEVE durante descarga de GLP (by C2PSM Consultoria)
67. Learning sheet (June 2024): Falha no içamento de cloro (by C2PSM Consultoria)
66. Learning sheet (May 2024): Vazamento em fole (by C2PSM Consultoria)
65. Learning sheet (April 2024): Explosão de gás isobutileno (by C2PSM Consultoria)
64. Learning sheet (March 2024): Explosão de reator em batelada (by C2PSM Consultoria)
63. Learning sheet (February 2024): Explosão de gás em uma unidade de craqueamento (by C2PSM Consultoria)
62. Learning sheet (December 2023): Incêndio em aço com cloro (by C2PSM Consultoria)
61. Learning sheet (November 2023): Trinca no poço termométrico (by C2PSM Consultoria)
60. Learning sheet (October 2023): Vazamento de hexano (by C2PSM Consultoria)
59. Learning sheet (September 2023): Emissão de óleo quente e incêndio (by C2PSM Consultoria)
58. Learning sheet (July 2023): Explosão de poeira de asfalto (by C2PSM Consultoria)
57. Learning sheet (June 2023): Exposição à radiação (by C2PSM Consultoria)
56. Learning sheet (May 2023): Empreiteiros no local errado (by C2PSM Consultoria)
55. Learning sheet (April 2023): Incêndio em forno (by C2PSM Consultoria)
54. Learning sheet (March 2023): Vazamento de Cloro (by C2PSM Consultoria)
53. Learning sheet (February 2023): Asfixia por Argônio (by C2PSM Consultoria)
52. Learning sheet (December 2022): Explosão em unidade de hidrogenação (by C2PSM Consultoria)
51. Learning sheet (November 2022): Explosão de GNL (by C2PSM Consultoria)
50. Learning sheet (October 2022): Incêndio na coluna “visbreaker” (by C2PSM Consultoria)
48. Learning sheet (July 2022): Sistema de segurança não funcionando (by Solvay)
47. Learning sheet (June 2022): Inspetor Desmaiou (by Solvay)
46. Learning sheet (May 2022): Rompimento de corta chamas (by Solvay)
45. Learning sheet (April 2022): Explosãoemum tanque (by Solvay)
44. Learning sheet (March 2022): Válvula de estrangulamento (by Solvay)
43. Learning sheet (February 2022): Rompimento de Flexível (by Solvay)
42. Learning sheet (December 2021): Alta pressãodo reator (by Solvay)
41. Learning sheet (November 2021): Tanque Foguete (by Solvay)
40. Learning sheet (October 2021): Explosãode Reator / re-issued (by Solvay)
39. Learning sheet (September 2021): Desobstrução (by Solvay)
38. Learning sheet (July 2021): Explosion de Tanque (by Solvay)
37. Learning sheet (June 2021): Explosão de Forno (by Solvay)
36. Learning sheet (May 2021): Trabalho a Quente com um Flash Fire de Propano (by Solvay)
The Learning Sheets are meant to stimulate discussion on important process safety topics at operational sites and to improve competency & awareness. Latest topic: Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion.