European Conference on Plant & Process Safety organised by EPSC

The EPSC European Conference on Plant & Process Safety is organised with great industry support.
The scientific program aims to strengthen the process safety culture by learning from practical examples. Furthermore, solution providers to the hazardous processing industry with specific knowledge on process safety are invited to participate with a stand at the Network Forum to strengthen their relationships and share their solutions. In this way the conference brings together the technical safety specialists and managers from Seveso like companies to learn and network.


The 4th EPSC Conference on Plant & Process Safety on 2 & 3 December 2024 in Barcelona, Spain



The 3rd EPSC Conference on Plant & Process Safety on 13 & 14 December 2023 in Maastricht, The Netherlands

Flyer Plant & Process Safety congress Maastricht_Thumb


2nd EPSC Conference on Plant & Process Safety on 13 & 14 September 2022 in Antwerp, Belgium



1st European Conference on Plant & Process Safety on 11 & 12 Dec 2019 in Cologne, Germany


EPSC Learning Sheet

The Learning Sheets are meant to stimulate discussion on important process safety topics at operational sites and to improve competency & awareness. Latest topic: Pressure Safety Valve Installation. Subscribe to our Learning Sheet Mailing List here.