
EC Seveso Workgroup

EPSC participates in the Seveso implementation workgroup of the European Commission by joining the meetings. While most of the visiting people are representing the member countries, EPSC is welcome to reflect on practical implementation and to present the view of the industry. Meeting minutes are shared at the website and relevant information is mentioned to EPSC members.

On 11 April 2024 the 11th Meeting of the Commission Expert Group on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances ("Seveso Expert Group") was held in Mons, Belgium. The minutes of the meeting can be found here.

On 16 February 2021 the 8th Meeting of the Commission Expert Group on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances took place virtually. The minutes of the meeting can be found here.

On 7 March 2018 the 6th Meeting of the Commission Expert Group on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances took place in Brussels, Belgium. The minutes of the meeting can be found here.

EPSC Learning Sheet

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