The benefits of joining EPSC / EPSC Brochure / Membership Application Form

Representation and Networking

  • EPSC acts as an intermediary between the European Commission and its members on process safety matters and monitors possible funding opportunities in relevant Commission projects on behalf of its members.
  • Networking with other fellow process safety professionals on optimum compliance to current legislation and implementation of best practice
  • EPSC closely partners CEFIC and the European Commission in influence of coming process safety legislation.
  • EPSC Participation forms part of the make up of any process safety professional (we estimate at least 10% of your time be directed to scanning the horizon for ideas, inspiration as well as potential trouble in order to service your internal needs and those of your employer - EPSC can contribute significantly to this element)

Working Groups

Working groups are the core of all EPSC process safety activity. It is here that members gain the most benefit, through sharing experience with peer organisations, examining potential areas for improvement, and developing tools and methods for safe operation. Working groups meet to discuss specific process safety topics and are open to any interested member representative.

Technical Meetings (former Steering Committee Meetings/TSC)

Technical Meetings, open to all full members, are held twice every year as a forum for members to discuss progress current areas of work, plan for and vote on the future of working groups and hear topical process safety presentations - from both members and invited specialist from across Europe. It is from these meetings that working groups are formed.

Minutes, Reports and other material in the "members only" area on the EPSC website

Each EPSC member can register for access to the "members only" area. Here EPSC reports on process safety topics and other materials can be found.
Also the presentations held at the Technical Meetings as well as the minutes of the meetings are accessible in this area.

Membership Approval, Renewal and Fees

The decision as to the acceptance of a company into EPSC membership rests with the Management Board.
EPSC membership / fee payment runs per calendar year (January 1 - December 31). The membership will become effective upon receipt of the first membership fee payment. After this, the membership will automatically renew at the end of the year for another 12 months.

Information on the 2 types of membership (full and associated) and the membership fees can be found here.

Termination of Membership

Membership cancellation for the following year must be in writing and is possible until 30 September (three months notice until the end of the year).

EPSC Statutes

The EPSC statutes can be found here.

EPSC Learning Sheet

The Learning Sheets are meant to stimulate discussion on important process safety topics at operational sites and to improve competency & awareness. Latest topic: Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion