You are invited to apply for membership of EPSC. This form is intended for companies wishing to join. Individual membership is not possible.
If you are an employee of an existing member company, then please click here to sign up to gain access the members only content.

Please let us know what the specific expertise of your company in the field of process safety is.
Please inform us about the reasons why your company wishes to become an EPSC member.

Personal data

We can only accept company email-addresses.


Type of membership

There are two grades of membership - please select the grade for your application:


Full members are in most cases manufacturing companies. Their representatives sit on the General Assembly which decides the work to be undertaken by EPSC. They are entitled to vote on which representatives sit on the Management Board, and if elected are entitled to sit on the Management Board. They are invited to participate in EPSC Working Groups or Contact Groups.

Please select the global turnover of your organisation in the last financial year (in Millions of Euros):


Associates are generally non manufacturing companies or other organisations. They receive the same information as full members, including Technical Reports, Minutes of the General Assembly and Minutes of Working Parties. Associates’ representatives do not attend the General Assembly nor participate in EPSC Working Groups or Contact Groups unless specifically invited.

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Fields marked with * are mandatory.

EPSC Learning Sheet

The Learning Sheets are meant to stimulate discussion on important process safety topics at operational sites and to improve competency & awareness. Latest topic: Collapsed Bridge. Subscribe to our Learning Sheet Mailing List