Critical Barrier Management
Started: Feb 2025
Chair: David Kelly
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Aims and description
Important barriers can fail, so it is very important to know their status. The management around the validation process is critical and requires best practices. These will be discussed in this Working Group.
Chemical Hazard Assessment
Started: March 2024
Chair: Annik Nanchen / Pier-Jan Hettema
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Aims and description
Both wanted and unwanted chemical reactions can produce heat. Such reactions have the potential to create “run away” reactions where temperature and pressure increase and with potential sever consequences. Both the incidents in Bhopal and Seveso were caused by an unknown runaway reaction. Full understanding of your chemistry under design conditions and potential other conditions (like high temperature and pressure or increased concentration) must be created before even starting the plant design. This Working Group will be focussed on good practices to do a Chemical Hazard Analysis, in order to avoid chemical hazards like run-away reactions.